Some of Many Negative Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

What are the Effects of Smoking on Skin

The threat of cancer or heart diseases is not enough reason for young people to stop smoking. They are convinced that these problems are the problems of older people not theirs.

However, negative aspects of smoking can become visible outside much faster than it seems. In time the way our complexion looks is getting worse and worse. This problem concerns both men and women, although in women negative changes are noticeable sooner because they occur faster. This may be the crucial argument for all women who want to smoke.

It seems very advantageous for us that recently it has been written and told a lot about the negative aspects of solar radiation, for example UVA or UVB on our skin. On the other hand, smoking is as much harmful, if not more, to our skin as sunbathing without the use of UVA/UVB creams.

Clinical tests which have been made for many recent years, have proved that the skin of a smoker is getting older faster than that of a non-smoking person. It has been shown, for instance, that the skin of forty-year-old people who have been smoking for years, may be as much destroyed as the skin of seventy-year-old non-smokers.

Doctors call the type of changes that undergo inside human skin as “tobacco face” syndrome.

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